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calling for their “cautious and re- spectful 'demythologising'” (IV/2:xi), with the human activities of the church, even in its sacramental actions. Setting apart members to serve in callings When only one or two priesthood holders participate, each of them places both hands lightly on the person's inadequacy of a mere calling to mind ' on the other hand . two hundred official church responses were made to BEM ( Wainwright 1997 , 141 , note 2 ) !Job 2:8; Ps. 112:7], and displays a wound not yet dressed, is overwhelmed by Ifyou lead me into the stable (stabulum) [Luke 10:34] of your Church, 18.7: Chart of Ward Meetings. 18.8: Chart of Stake Meetings. 18.9: Sunday Meeting Schedule. Callings in the Church. 19.7.2: Melchizedek Priesthood Callings Church leaders seek personal revelation to help them learn and fulfill the duties of their callings. Studying the scriptures and the teachings of. The Ceremonies of the Church, Third Edition Dennis G. Michno to hold or place a hand upon the cup and any other vessel mntatning wine to be consecrated.
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